The next morning the owners called and were extremely happy we watched him and took him in. He had wandered extremely far for a dog and he would have really gotten lost if he followed our street further into the woods. he dogs name was "Toby" which i didn't think was as cool as Jymmy Jr. We were planing on naming him something cool if no one ever called about him. I have a feeling my ma would've given in and let us keep him. or at least let me take him. The owners brought my mom a cookie cake as a thanks.... pretttty coool i guess...
here's pics of him;
Old video I made for the Texas agressive metal band Verae. This was my first attempt at ever using any video software. I used iMovie and took all the photographs for the video with a Canon 20d.
If I were to remake this video, it would be a million times different.